
2020-06-05   阅读量: 959



create database if not exists m1;

use m1;

create table customer(

c_id char(6) primary key not null,

name varchar(30) not null,

location varchar(30),

salary decimal(8,2)


create table bank(

b_id char(5) primary key not null,

bank_name char(30) not null


create table deposite(

d_id int primary key not null auto_increment,

c_id char(6),

b_id char(5),

dep_date date,

dep_type char(1),

amount decimal(8,2),

constraint fk_cid foreign key(c_id) references customer(c_id),

constraint fk_bid foreign key(b_id) references bank(b_id)


insert into customer values('101001','孙杨','广州',1234);

insert into customer values('101002','郭海','南京',3526);

insert into customer values('101003','卢江','苏州',6892);

insert into customer values('101004','郭惠','济南',3492);

insert into customer values('101005','张三','北京',6324);

insert into bank values('B0001','工商银行');

insert into bank values('B0002','建设银行');

insert into bank values('B0003','中国银行');

insert into bank values('B0004','农业银行');

insert into deposite values(null,'101001','B0001','2011-04-05','3',42526);

insert into deposite values(null,'101002','B0003','2012-07-15','5',66500);

insert into deposite values(null,'101003','B0002','2010-11-24','1',42366);

insert into deposite values(null,'101004','B0004','2008-03-31','1',62362);

insert into deposite values(null,'101001','B0003','2002-02-07','3',56346);

insert into deposite values(null,'101002','B0001','2004-09-23','3',353626);

insert into deposite values(null,'101003','B0004','2003-12-14','5',36236);

insert into deposite values(null,'101004','B0002','2007-04-21','5',26267);

insert into deposite values(null,'101001','B0002','2011-02-11','1',435456);

insert into deposite values(null,'101002','B0004','2012-05-13','1',234626);

insert into deposite values(null,'101003','B0003','2001-01-24','5',26243);

insert into deposite values(null,'101004','B0001','2009-08-23','3',45671);


select * from customer;


update customer set salary=salary*2 where salary<5000;


select * from deposite;

select b_id,sum(amount) as total from deposite group by b_id;



# 方法一

select c.name,c.location,b.bank_name,d.amount

from deposite d,customer c,bank b

where c.location in('广州','苏州','济南')

and d.amount between 300000 and 500000

and c.c_id=d.c_id and b.b_id=d.b_id;

# 方法二

select c.name,c.location,b.bank_name,d.amount

from customer c

inner join deposite d on c.c_id=d.c_id

inner join bank b on d.b_id=b.b_id

where c.location in('广州','苏州','济南')

and d.amount between 300000 and 500000;

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